(Pronounced “Ee Chaka”)
Home to the Di Ciacca family for over 500 years, abandoned over 50 years ago, I Ciacca has recently been restored and is dedicated to maintaining and sharing the tradition of hospitality, food, wine and culture of Picinisco and Val di Comino. Obviously sustainable before, is now and will continue be in the future.
Throughout history, the unique indigenous grape, Maturano, has always been grown at I Ciacca. Until our replacing in the Guyot Style, vines were planted in the etruscan manner “al olmo” (around an elm) to allow the ground below to be used for cultivation and grazing - and also protecting the drapes from excess humidity. Cantina I Ciacca restores a tradition of wine making here.
Cesidio's father, Johnny was born in I Ciacca. His grandparents, Cesidio and Marietta moved to Scotland at the turn of the 20th century along with many other families from the area.
Picinisco, lies in the Val di Comino, half way between Rome and Naples. and in 2017 celebrated it’s Millennium. It’s castle is older than Edinburgh Castle
At 725m, it is built on the slopes of one of the highest mountains in central Italy - Monte Meta - and the only one where on a clear day you can see the Adriatic and the Tyrhennian Seas.
Renowned for its cheese, olive oil, wine and fruit, Picinisco enjoys its fresh air, proximity to nature, traditions and especially it’s links to its sons and daughters to be found throughout the world, but especially Scotland.
Like Scotland, this land was occupied by an ancient people, the Samnites, who finally after 3 wars were defeated by the Romans.
After the economic and political problems resulting from the unification of Italy, nearly 40% of the southern Italian population emigrated. Many still return ‘home’ regularly to meet friends and relatives, who come back to meet friends and relatives from all over the world.
Many young people continue to leave for University or to find work, but a growing number are choosing to return. In fact, Val di Comino remains uncontaminated and will soon be official recognised as the first “Organic District” (Biodistretto) in Lazio - thanks to the efforts of its young farmers.